The term Lemurian and Starbrary both refer to specific formations found on quartz crystals, as well as their specific energy or resonance. Lemurians traditionally have many parallel stacked lines on alternating 3 sides of the crystal. Starbrary refers to specific meteorite/falling star-like glyphs etched in various sides of the crystal. The glyphs can range slightly, but mostly comprise of dots, faint comet trail lines, and chevron/ checkmark style patterns.

Starbrary and Lemurian crystals are closely linked, and can sometimes be one in the same. The photo linked here shows a crystal with both high relief Lemurian lines and Starbrary glyphs. Both refer to quartz crystals which are said to have been programmed, encoded, or encrypted with information (our muses for our name Crystal Encryptions).

 The story starts with Lemurians for us, and I believe for the miners as well. Lemurian Crystals were originally found in the Serra Do Cabral Mountains in Brazil (although other locations have been found with pockets, or swaths of Lemurian crystals). The miners who discovered them were baffled by the way that they were first finding layers of crystals which appeared to have been buried. They were small slightly foggy exterior crystals which had high textured lines marking every other side of the crystal. The miners called them 'seeds' because of their over all shape, and the way that they were buried in the sand. As they dug deeper they found larger, highly textured Lemurians, along with Starbrary pockets as well. This phenomena sparked, and unified much lore surrounding this amazing find. 



Legend holds that Lemurians are to be encoded by the Lemurian civilization while they were here on earth. The Lemurian Civilization utilized these crystals in their technology and healing practices. They planted 'seeds' to retain the information for later civilizations (post cataclysm) to uncover.

Starbraries on the other hand, are said to be remotely encrypted by civilizations outside our solar system. Each crystal is said to act as a library or way-point of information. Many contain portals and various unique glyphs and markings on their surface. Legend states that this is due to the various cultures/subjects of thought that are encoding them. Starbraries are said to be direct links to our elders from the stars (many believe Sirius). They really are very thought provoking, inspiring, and guiding crystals.


Encoded crystals such as these are what started us on our personal crystal journey. They act as teachers and guides. I imagine Lemurians as 'professors' and Starbraries as 'academic libraries' (if that helps to illustrate their relationship). In this model, we are the students learning from the text and the professors. 

To illustrate, the 'professors' (Lemurians) have utilized the library in order to synthesize their own theories, thesis, and specialties. They teach us from past learned experience to help future generations to grow. The library (Starbraries) act as a refuge for the academic (both teacher and student) to help them develop their own ideas, call on recorded past knowledge, and discover new knowledge from the highest echelon of 'researchers'. They are a guide and resource of understanding for the sentient soul. 


I approach working with my Starbrary crystals as though I am browsing a library. They are a peaceful, temple of learning and discovery. I use a lot of 'visual' style meditation. I study the glyphs as through opening a book. You can used various gazing techniques (ex. soft gaze/focused gaze, looking at the surface, exploring the interior etc...) in combination with meditation to explore these amazing instruments.

When I work with my Lemurians, I take more of the posture of taking in a lecture. I try to be as open and clear minded as possible, allowing what will be to flow. I use Lemurians often during inward meditations. They are excellent all purpose healing tools. I always say that if I was making a metaphysical, crystal "first aid kit" a Lemurian is one of my first choices. 

 Most of what I learned about crystal healing and meditation has come from these amazing crystals. They are excellent examples of beautiful, healing quartz.